

In a traditional setting, HR managers face the daunting task of manually coordinating onboarding sessions for remote hires, on-site hires, and those who combine the two by choosing the hybrid working mode. As if it hadn’t been hard enough to keep tabs on everyone coming in at different times in the on-site, pre-Coronna era.

The HRs who work in high-fluctuation industries seem to do nothing else but juggle spreadsheets, emails, and various documents, in the never-ending process of off- and onboarding cycles. According to a survey, 57% of HR managers spend up to 20% of their time on administrative tasks (Work Institute 2023 Retention Report). Just making sure no one had fallen through the cracks eats away a good chunk of their time. And then there’s the effort to make the entry and exit of people seamless and memorable.

Remote work just leveled up the game since remote workers can never experience a true company culture immersion like those coming to the office. And onboarding remotely requires a lot of preparation to create the best possible experience for the people who are joining the team remotely. To bridge this gap, HRs do their best to design an onboarding process that not only covers the basics of the role and company policies but also actively fosters a sense of belonging and connection to the company culture. This usually involves virtual team-building activities, regular check-ins with managers and peers, and access to digital platforms that encourage interaction and collaboration among remote employees. Standardization of the onboarding can alleviate somewhat of the time and effort invested, but personalization for specific positions is unavoidable, not to mention very important.

A partial solution to this is to hire more people to populate the HR team, but even if approved, there’s only so much time an HR is willing to devote to administrative work and not other, truly more important Human Resource utilization and planning. 

Will HRs ever get a break?!



WAY2LRN has been configured to become the best possible HR side-kick and take over a great deal of the administrative work. As a LMS platform its main functionalities cover managing infinite number of employees and providing a learning experience (Learning Management System). And onboarding IS a learning experience, too.

The main functionality of the platform is Automation, and for the onboarding, this means inviting remote workers to the platform, assigning training, and customizing the onboarding journey to match the position they’re filling in, including scheduling, sequencing, and progress tracking. Using an LMS can reduce training time by 40-60% compared to traditional methods (Finance Online Onboarding Statistics). This way remote hires get all the relevant information and training, and the only thing an HR has to do is to select what courses a specific position requires and schedule them.

WAY2LRN allows for creating a company-unique centralized repository of onboarding and training materials or creating the ones from scratch, to meet the needs of new hires, and communicate the requirements on the company’s part.

The platform covers the reporting as well, enabling HR managers to choose among a dozen of filters to create specific reports. All from a single dashboard.

Key Features of WAY2LRN in This Use Case:




WAY2LRN revolutionizes the onboarding process with its powerful features. The platform’s Automation Tools streamline scheduling and tracking, ensuring all activities are efficiently organized and monitored, which saves HR teams time and reduces the likelihood of errors. Organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70% (Brandon Hall Group Research). Customization Options allow for the creation of role-specific onboarding paths, ensuring that each new hire’s training is relevant and effective. Finally, the Centralized Platform provides a single location for storing and accessing all orientation materials, making it easy for managers to assign the right resources to the right people. Together, these features make the onboarding process smoother, more personalized, and more efficient.


  • Consistent and Efficient Onboarding Experience for Remote Employees:

WAY2LRN ensures that every remote employee undergoes a standardized onboarding process, regardless of their location. This consistency eliminates confusion and ensures that all new hires receive the same level of orientation and training, leading to a smoother transition into their roles. Standardized onboarding processes lead to 50% faster new hire productivity (Finance Online Onboarding Statistics).

  • Improved Engagement and Integration of Remote Hires into the Company Culture:

WAY2LRN facilitates a more engaging onboarding experience for remote hires by providing interactive training modules and comments section, keeping everyone in the loop. Employees who experience a well-structured onboarding program are 58% more likely to stay with the company for more than three years (Finance Online Onboarding Statistics). This helps remote employees feel more connected to the company culture and their colleagues, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty from the outset.

  • Reduced Administrative Workload for HR Teams:

By automating various onboarding tasks, WAY2LRN significantly reduces the manual effort required from HR teams. HR teams report a 25% reduction in manual onboarding tasks with automated systems (Work Institute 2023 Retention Report). This frees up their time to focus on more strategic tasks, such as talent development and employee engagement initiatives. Go, HRs!

Users Say

“Starting a new job is always stressful, for me, there was so much I had to learn to be able to show I’m able to do the job well. From getting to know the company inside out, the organization of work, and procedures, to my position details. WAY2LRN was a truly pleasant surprise, everything I needed to go over (documentation, orientation videos, procedures, and initial training) was there and the platform was easy to use. My Dashboard showed what I was assigned, the deadlines, and people to contact in case I had any questions. This experience benchmarked my expectations when it comes to learning something new. ”

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Marko P.


Reduction in Time to Productivity: The platform aims to minimize the time it takes for remote hires to become fully productive in their roles, smoothing out the onboarding, removing hurdles and miscommunication, speeding up the process. WIN for the company.

Increased satisfaction rates among remote employees: By providing a tailored and efficient onboarding experience, WAY2LRN seeks to boost the satisfaction levels of remote employees, leading to higher productivity and better career building experience. WIN for the employees. 

Decrease in administrative tasks: The automation and centralization features of WAY2LRN significantly reduce the number of manual administrative tasks associated with remote onboarding, freeing up HR teams to focus on more strategic initiatives. WIN for the HRs. 

“Customize where it matters and automate where you have other things to do.”