

and Simplify HSE & Compliance Training

  • Streamline learning and certification processes for your team
  • Keep tabs on everyone’s training status without the paperwork
  • Ensure all team members are current with their HSE certifications

HSE & Compliance

Say goodbye to tracking hundreds of employees and their mandatory training dates in spreadsheets. Streamline, assign, automate, and monitor from a single dashboard. With our platform, you can create HSE & Compliance repository, deliver consistent training, monitor progress in real time, and ensure your workforce is up-to-date with the latest regulations. Reduce administrative workload and free up your time for strategic tasks. WAY2LRN has got your back.



Safety Management with Advanced Analytics

Managing workplace safety is easy with our analytics dashboard that shows stats for training, users or general overview. Assign levels of supervision for teams or whole departments and make sure everyone’s on board with safety regulations for their roles.


One-Click Export for Tailored Learning Reports

Customize reporting straight from the Learning History tab and combine over a dozen filters to answer specific management requests. Export with a click. That’s it, you’re done!



Automated Training Renewal Reminders

Keep your team compliant with our automated email reminders for mandatory training renewals. Set up once and ensure timely updates, reducing the risk of certification lapses.


No One Left Behind

“Compliance with HSE regulations is a top priority in our industry. This LMS has been a game-changer for our organization. The automated training renewal reminders have streamlined our compliance process, ensuring that no employee misses a mandatory training session. It’s easy to use and customization of the reports saved a ton of our time and made it easy to track progress and maintain records. I highly recommend this solution to any HR professional looking to simplify their HSE compliance training.”


Mark J.

Safety Officer