

Professional development of the employees is the main, if not the most important, task in every HR’s job description. Managing human resources includes mapping the existing skillset and planning the upskilling with the current industry trends in mind for maximum utilization and alignment with the organization’s business plans. And then, there’s continuous implementation with each new hire in a way that does not disrupt teams, processes, work outcomes or the new hires. 

The complexity of this crucial work gets even more weighted if done manually. Well, Excel has helped a lot, in terms of data management but so much more has been left to the HRs to manage the best they know and can. 

Let’s take an example of a company that changed direction and the business plan, which led to the overall shift in department and team OKRs and KPIs. These changes on different scales might happen annually, leading to extensive planning on the HR’s part. The workforce needs upskilling. Okay, that sounds manageable, right? Engineering and organising training on this scale takes a seasoned HR team to tackle, and even then there’s a matter of implementation and monitoring, especially when done asynchronously with large and dispersed teams. 

How many HRs take to handle this kind of work? 

This is where WAY2LRN steps in. 


WAY2LRN offers a revolutionary solution to this challenge by providing a platform that allows for the customization of training programs to align with individual goals and organizational needs. Utilizing data-driven insights, WAY2LRN allows HRs to identify skill gaps within the workforce and design personalized training paths to bridge these gaps. This approach ensures that each employee receives training that is directly relevant to their role and career aspirations.

Key Features of WAY2LRN in This Use Case:


Learning Paths


WAY2LRN transforms professional development with its innovative features. Data-Driven Customization uses analytics to help HR identify skill gaps, enabling the creation of tailored training programs. Flexible Learning Paths allow for the assembly of role-specific training bundles, which can be personalized for each employee’s unique needs. Additionally, Interactive Training Modules make learning more engaging and effective, ensuring better retention of information. Together, these features provide a dynamic and customized learning experience that caters to the evolving needs of the workforce.


  • Relevance and Effectiveness: WAY2LRN enables the creation of personalized training paths, ensuring that the training content is relevant and effective for each employee’s professional development.
  • Skill Gap Bridging: By identifying and addressing specific skill gaps, WAY2LRN ensures that employees acquire the competencies needed for their roles and for the organization’s success.
  • Increased Engagement: Tailored training programs lead to higher employee engagement levels, as they feel their needs and career goals are being considered.

Learning and Development
Managers Say

“As a Learning and Development Manager, I’ve experienced firsthand the transformative power of this LMS in our training programs. It’s not just a tool; it’s a game-changer. The intuitive interface, coupled with the ability to tailor training paths, has allowed us to deliver personalized learning experiences that truly resonate with our employees. The results speak for themselves: improved engagement, enhanced skills, and a noticeable boost in performance. This LMS has become an indispensable asset in our quest for continuous learning and development.”

Janet S.


  • WIN for the Company: By aligning training programs with organizational goals, WAY2LRN helps companies maximize their human capital and achieve strategic objectives.
  • WIN for the Employees: Employees benefit from a more engaging and relevant training experience, leading to greater job satisfaction and career growth.
  • WIN for HR Teams: WAY2LRN reduces the administrative burden on HR teams, allowing them to focus on strategic HR planning and talent management.

“Customize where it matters and automate where you have other things to do.”